By Nicole Drum - June 22, 2022 09:00 pm EDT
With just two episodes remaining this season on The Flash, the stakes are only getting higher for Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and the rest of the team. Iris (Candice Patton) remains missing due to her Time Sickness, Cecile's (Danielle Nicolet) powers have started growing exponentially, and Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher) apparently has a second chance at being a good guy, working with Meena Dhawan (Kausar Mohammed) who has become a speedster in her own right. But unbeknownst to Team Flash, the other Thawne (Tom Cavanagh) has been paid a visit by Deon (Christian Magby) and things might just be getting ready to take a turn for the worse. Need to find out what happened on this week's episode of The Flash? We've got you covered with our recap, but just know that there are full spoilers for "Negative, Part One" beyond this point.
Central City 2049. Bart and Nora are setting up to play a virtual video game when they get a call from their mom. Iris asks Nora to write a piece before disappearing from the call — and physically reappearing as her 2022 self in 2049. They talk and Iris reveals that she's been in the time stream. Nora goes to take Iris back to 2022 but can't. The Still Force (Deon) is trapping her in 2049.
Back in 2022, The Flash is at Fast Track labs with Chester and Eobard. They've given Meena her own super suit and she continues training, using a treadmill. Meena pushes herself a little too hard before having a small meltdown and racing off. The Flash catches up to her. She says she's not ready. She very badly wants to be a hero but doesn't think she can do it. The Flash unmasks and reveals his identity and reassures her that she can rise up, too. He gives her her own superhero name, too: Fast Track.
Lian Yu. Deon tells Thawne that he will get everything he deserves, but it will cost him his life. Deon hits him with temporal energy, killing him. The energy surge alerts STAR Labs and The Flash races there where he finds Thawne's hyperaged corpse. There's no sign of Deon. At the West house, Cecile, and Joe fight about her patrolling. Rosa Dillon shows up at their house. Cecile has taken her powers and she wants them back. Cecile can now take the powers of other psychics.
In the future, Iris, Bart, and Nora pay a visit to Joan who tells her that the negative tachyons in her body are increasing and that's very bad. Iris gets a flash of the Forces, but they are different. She now is getting temporal visions. Nora races off to 2022.
At Meena's lab, Meena and Eobard have a disagreement. Meena continues to push herself too hard with training. However, as they are talking, the Forces show up. They are there to kill Eobard so he can "fulfill his purpose". Meena tries to speed him away, but Deon stops them in time. Eobard is the last Thawne left and Deon is about to kill him when The Flash shows up. He is able to overpower the Forces, though there is something wrong with his speed now. Turns out, these Forces are the Negative versions of them. Chester comes through on the comms and has them bring Barry to STAR Labs.
Caitlin and Mark talk at her apartment. Caitlin enters the capsule that Mark thinks will work, and they activate it.
Nora fills Barry in on what's going on with Iris and she explains to Barry that there is no Negative Speed Force Nora. It seems that when Barry took Thawne's speed, it erased Negative Speed Force Nora and so they want to punish Barry for that since it weakened them. It's also why Barry's speed is now messed up because all of the good Forces are weak and sick. Turns out that was the reason Iris got her Time Sickness – it was a method of weakening the good Forces. Barry sends Nora back to the future.
At Iron Heights, Cecile interrogates Mona and has her try to read her mind, but when she tries to, Cecile takes her powers, but they are amplified. Rosa suggests that Cecile is becoming one of the most powerful metas in the world, but they don't know how. In the future, Nora fills Bart and Joan in on what's going on, but Iris is getting worse. The only thing that will cure Iris is if Barry can defeat the Negative Forces.
At STAR, Meena and Eobard continue to fuss at each other, but he gets her to open up. She's afraid of letting him down because the speed is his dream. Meena wishes she could share the powers with him, and Barry says she can. He's going to teach Meena how to turn Eobard into a speedster, too. The process begins and the Negative Forces, now powered up, start heading toward them. Barry gives Eobard a Flash ring.
Chester, Cecile, and Allegra show up to fight the Negative Forces. Meena shares her powers and the two work together to find balance, so the hate doesn't take over. Team Flash eventually can't hold up, but it's just enough time for Eobard to get powers. The Flash gets Team Flash to safety and Fast Track as well as New Reverse Flash show up to help him face the Negative Forces. The Speedster Trio works together while, in the future, Iris wakes up. Time is changing because of the fight and her visions are not random. She realizes that Thawne isn't the sacrifice. It's her and as Barry throws his lightning, it hits Iris, who Negative Deon has brought to the fight, seemingly killing her and then, she disappears into temporal energy, going into Eobard, who then literally pulls himself apart and is the evil Thawne again, resurrected.
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