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In a world obsessed with high-tech equipment, a video of a man diligently assembling a wooden treadmill that works without power has become a hit on social media, winning praise from industrialist Anand Mahindra and Telangana minister KT Rama Rao.
In a world of commoditised, energy hungry devices, the passion for craftsmanship, the hours of dedicated efforts in hand-making this device makes it a work of art, not just a treadmill. I want one…
The treadmill’s frame is made using wooden sticks. At one point in the video, the creator shows how using the equipment would look like.
Anand Mahindra, the chairperson of Mahindra Group, expressed his wish to own the treadmill.
“In a world of commoditised, energy hungry devices, the passion for craftsmanship, the hours of dedicated efforts in hand-making this device makes it a work of art, not just a treadmill,” he tweeted. “I want one…”.
KT Rama Rao, Telangana’s industry and commerce minister, also lauded the treadmill’s maker.
In his tweet, he tagged the account of T-Works, India's biggest prototyping centre, asking them to help the man make more treadmills.
Wow @TWorksHyd please connect & help him scale up
Other social media users were also in awe of the energy-efficient exercise equipment. "Wow Amazing..great innovation towards greener future," said a person named Venkat Ram Dhakya.
"I really like this innovation of wooden self-powered treadmill," another person said.
A Twitter user named Charu commented: "Wow! Hats off to the maker of this simple yet effective treadmill... that too fully handcrafted."
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